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What forms of deterioration can AQURON stop? -


Why Use?  INTERNATIONAL research has proven the SIMPLE LOGIC that stopping moisture migration within concrete, results in halting all common corrosion processes, such as Chlorides Ingress, ASR, AAR, DEF, and Carbonation.

AQURON 7000 corrosion inhibitor is spray applied to either new or existing concrete structures, providing internal corrosion protection with proven performance for over 25 years.

AQURON 7000 corrosion inhibitor Protection is spray applied to new and existing concrete transforming all free moisture within the concrete porosity to be part of the AQURON induced HYDROGEL that eliminates internal moisture migration, and results in internal waterproofing, protection against corrosives suchs as chloride attack, resistance to AAR (Alkali Aggregate Reactivity) and ASR  (Alkali Silicate Reactivity), Delayed Etringrite formation (DEF) and Carbonation

Economical and excellent performance on concretes washed by seawater and coastal spray, or that have been attacked by salts, acids, effluents, corrosive gases, etc. Contaminants are neutralised or purged from concrete which is protected from further attack.

AQURON A7000 Corrosion Protection and Chloride Reduction System protects concrete and provides:

  • Corrosion inhibitor Protection against Chloride attack action of soluble chlorides in concrete
  • Resistance to AAR (Alkali Aggregate Reactivity)
  • Resistance ASR (Alkali Silicate Reactivity)
  • Resistance to Delayed Ettringrite formation and Carbonation
  • Inhibits corrosion of imbedded reinforcing steel.


2014 Download AQURON 7000 Concrete Protection overview